Chen-Kiang honored with $600k V Foundation translational grant
Selina Chen-Kiang, Ph.D., was among 12 scientists selected from across the nation to receive a $600,000 award to promote translational cancer research.
The V Foundation for Cancer Research, one of the nation’s leading cancer research funding organizations, announced the recipients of the 2014 Translational Grants, which support scientists who are transforming lab discoveries into clinical applications.
“The promise of cancer research is stronger than ever,” said Susan Braun, CEO of The V Foundation. “This year, The V Foundation is delighted to award more funds than ever, to a stellar group of grantees. Each represents the potential to save lives.”
The V Foundation’s Translational Grant Program continues to bring the benefits of basic-level understandings to the patient bedside more quickly and efficiently. This year, 12 cancer scientists were awarded grants for their research seeking to gain insight from cancer patients in an effort to accelerate medical discoveries. Translational grant recipients will each receive $600,000 over a three-year period.
“Through its Translational Research awards, the Foundation sees that some of the most exciting strategies from the laboratory are tested promptly in the clinic where they can improve the outcome for patients with cancer,” said Dr. Robert Bast, Vice President for Translational Research at MD Anderson Cancer Center and member of The V Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Committee.
The V Foundation distributes research grants to the most promising scientists nationwide through a competitive process vetted by a Scientific Advisory Committee. The Committee, comprised of the nation’s leading physicians and research scientists from prominent universities and cancer centers, ensures proposals meet the highest standards of scientific merit and that funding is properly allocated.